Epp Kärsin and Mihkel Raud: "Where does love go?"

If you want to turn your birthday, company event, or meeting with friends into a fun and educational one, order Epp and Mihkel to add spice to your events! 

If you are interested in a fireside chat, write to info@amareluna.com 

Every person is looking for happiness. Unfortunately, few find the ideal relationship. Passionate Love is replaced by everyday life, intoxicating relationships are followed by sobering hangovers, and problems often arise where they are least expected. 

How do you find the one and only? 
Is it possible to keep the relationship fresh and exciting, and how? 
What to do when Love starts to disappear?

Sex educator Epp Kärsin and writer Mihkel Raud are trying to find answers to questions that few dare to ask. Fireside chat "Where does love go?" is a frank and sometimes shocking insight into the taboo topics of human relationships: sex, break-up, cheating, age gap, Tinder, and many other phenomena that have only recently become subjects of discussion in Estonian society. 

Both Epp and Mihkel have experienced heavy blows in their personal lives. They are not afraid to talk honestly about their misadventures and share the observations they have made during their lives with others. Every listener can share in the experiences of Epp and Mihkel, which have helped them make better choices and move towards a happier life. A fun and informative afternoon is guaranteed, and if it goes well, a number of unexpected revelations - the spontaneous chat will seriously test the limits of both Epp and Mihkel. 

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